Now Offering Rebound Pool And Deck Surface
Rebound Pool Surfaces are a unique combination of a proprietary liquid polymer and high grade thermo-plastic granules. The result of combining these materials is a pool, deck, or stair finish that has unmatched comfort and extreme durability.

Benefits of Rebound
Comfort Layers
Rebound provides unrivaled softness that your feet will thank you for! Three comfort layers will ease the minds of parents when their little ones take spills when running on decks!
Chlorine Stable
Rebound surfaces have been lab tested and approved as chlorine stable. Rebound materials have been used in demanding commercial and public splash pad applications for years.
Slip Resistant
Rebound's Pool & Deck surfaces are extremely slip resistant. A much safer choice for pool stairs, pool decks and splash pads.
Rebound's flexible but durable polymer composite layers can hold up to patio chairs, dogs, drops, spills and all of nature's harsh elements without sacrificing its beauty.
Ease of Installation
Rebound can be applied over your existing pool surface, saving the time & money spent removing old plaster or pebble! Less mess & less noise! Minimal tools needed for installation!
UV Resistant
Clinically tested in the hot summer sun of Arizona, Rebound is proven to be resistant to the sun's damaging UV rays
Rebound is Suitable For:

Pool Surfaces
Made with a proprietary blend of liquid polymers and top-in-class thermo plastic granules, Rebound is installed directly over plaster, pebble or concrete finishes.

Deck Surfaces
Rebound's deck surface is colorful, comfortable & extremely slip resistant. Capable of resurfacing existing wood, concrete & composite decks.
Stair Surfaces
Rebound is your fiberglass step resurfacing solution! Colorful, soft & extremely slip resistant, Rebound steps will compliment your new vinyl liner beautifully.
How much does ecoFINISH cost?It depends upon the size of your pool and the area to be surfaced. Please use our online estimate form and be sure to inculde a photo of your pool. We'll calculate the surface area and send back a detailed estimate.
Do I have to drain my pool before your arrival?We never recommend that a homeowner drain their own pool due to the possibility of popup and cracking from hydrostatic pressure. We carry special insurance that protects us against these problems and your homeowner’s insurance may not have that coverage. For that reason, it's best to always consult a professional before attempting to drain your pool yourself.
Can you save my pool water and reuse it again?No, we cannot. We keep a portable 3,000-gallon water tank on hand and pump that water back into your pool when we are done, but that isn't much and will only fill up the deep end of most pools up to about mid-calf. Since one gallon of water weighs 8.4lbs, the reserved pool water will add about 25,000lbs of weight to the bottom of your pool and will prevent floating or cracking of the pool floor as it refills. We will leave your garden hose running, and the refill time will vary depending upon pool size, but most pools refill in about 24 hours. You'll be responsible for monitoring the pool and turning of the hose when the water is at the appropriate level.
What special steps do I need to perform after resurfacing with ecoFINISH?Not much! ecoFINISH is fully cured after application, so you'll just have to balance your water chemistry and swim. You should add a start-up treatment, but don't worry - we have you covered! We will bring a bottle of EasyCare Startup-Tec and add it during the refilling. From there the maintenance is pretty much the same as any other pool. You can read ecoFINISH’s official maintenance guide here:
What does fiberglass blistering look like?Blisters in fiberglass appear through osmosis when water seeps through the pool’s gelcoat, causing the pool surface to develop raised bumps or "blisters". Once inside, the water reacts with the chemical components in the resin to create acidic substances. In turn, these substances create pressure behind the gelcoat, which causes blisters and can eventually lead to cracking. Once the gelcoat fails, the underlying laminate absorbs water like a sponge and left untreated, accumulation of a large number of blisters can eventually create a serious delamination problem. The degree of structural damage will increase as the blisters fracture and penetrate deeper into the layers of the pool.